Cheap plants, less nitrate! POTHOS

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Can I use this pothos plants on a sump with cabinet? Mostly very very low light..
Vet is it normal for the roots to grow leaves? I pulled all the other leaves so just the roots are in the water and now two vines are growing leaves out the roots

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Possibly the stems looked similar to the roots? Pics? Never had this happen to me....

Thank you F1 for this thread! I will be adding Pothos but I have Uarus and they eat all plants. So to keep them out of reach I figure Ill put them in my filter.

My question is does anyone have an tips on keeping cats away from the plants? A full proof way..

I read up to pg 31. :P


Well essentially the roots are the only thing that makes contact with the water, you can put them in your hob or sump. Even a cheap breeder box works or media bag.

Can I use this pothos plants on a sump with cabinet? Mostly very very low light..

Stick a cheap cfl inside the cabinet. Like this:

I usually get them at Walmart for 6$ and then a 6500k cfl (compact florescent light)

×Go S Vettel #1 Infiniti Redbull! 3x WDC!!!×

Cheap way to decrease nitrates and keep your fish healthy:
how well does floating plants such as dwarf water lettuce, frog bit, giant duckweed, salvinia minima do against sucking up nitrates? I know dwarf water lettuce has the largest root system per plant.
Vet is it normal for the roots to grow leaves? I pulled all the other leaves so just the roots are in the water and now two vines are growing leaves out the roots

I've had this happen, it is totally normal.

If you look close, it is probably growing from the old stem where you pulled the leaves off. I had a totally submerged stem w roots grow a new shoot up out of the water like this. Just shows how hardy this plant is...
I've had this happen, it is totally normal.

If you look close, it is probably growing from the old stem where you pulled the leaves off. I had a totally submerged stem w roots grow a new shoot up out of the water like this. Just shows how hardy this plant is...

That's exactly how it is and there's a few new spots growing roots and leaves.

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I've had this happen, it is totally normal.

If you look close, it is probably growing from the old stem where you pulled the leaves off. I had a totally submerged stem w roots grow a new shoot up out of the water like this. Just shows how hardy this plant is...

Makes more sense when put into perspective. Interesting.

Here's a pic

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Wow that's trippy and cool! I like

×Go S Vettel #1 Infiniti Redbull! 3x WDC!!!×

Cheap way to decrease nitrates and keep your fish healthy:
Couple update pics:




Added a new plant, BUT this time I didn't use gravel in the hydro basket. Wanted to see if it could just do its thing and guess what...?


Its been 1 week, all I did was snip the roots and throw a 6500k 13watt compact florescent bulb on top (total cost 14$):

Amazing plant, these roots seem thicker
My n03 levels are always steady @10-20ppm so I'm curious to see what they are after this plant grows more. For 6 adult red belly piranha that's pretty damn good imo. 50% water change every 10 days or so and a top off every week for mineral/evaporation replacement. Awesome :beer:

Lovin it!


×Go S Vettel #1 Infiniti Redbull! 3x WDC!!!×

Cheap way to decrease nitrates and keep your fish healthy: