Dainichi vs NLS. Let's have a real discussion on which is best!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Marius;2785578; said:
"waste their time and money" is a little too dismissive Steve :). That to me sounds like good marketing skills.

To my knowledge, there was a debate on one of the forums from NY and Neil was ready to get any questions from Dainichi representatives. Nobody stepped up to the plate.

In all honesty, in the end, it boils down to personal preference. Whatever works best for the individual hobbyist. Let's just leave the absolute remarks aside.

Oh man, that's what I should've done all these years?!? :D

Agreed, my apologies for going extreme. I also agree it's about personal preference.

As for a debate with Neil........I've done it and admit I didn't fair well. He's very intelligent and knows his stuff.

What i have said all along though is that I don't see where 1 product is so much better then the other.

My other questions were to those that state things about the product.
Without articles from Neil or Pablo back up what you say. Show me where it's stated in articles not written by them.

I also will continue that if enough time were given to exploring these other foods.........others could write articles to back up theirs.
Staszek;2785544; said:
Thats fine, but these articles are written by Pablo or Neil........1 guy is the owner the other is the #1 guy there.

I'm sure if Danichi felt they needed to write articles to convince people to buy there product they would. But they don't don't waste their time and money on articles. They just put out a quality product and people buy it.

Your right Dainichi spends all there time and money on advertising and making pretty packaging so they can over charge (double the price) for a product that is of equal or lesser value to NLS.
NotoriousSway;2786174; said:
Your right Dainichi spends all there time and money on advertising and making pretty packaging so they can over charge (double the price) for a product that is of equal or lesser value to NLS.

A little exaggerated on that example....

From Big Als : New Life Spectrum Cichlid Formula-300gr Our Price: $13.99 ($.046 per gram) (Dainichi would cost $15.30 for this size)

From yourfishstuff.com : Dainichi Color FX 1.1 lb (500 gr) Price $25.99 ($.051 per gram) (NLS would cost $23.00 for this size)

Dainichi Color Supreme Sinking 1.1 LB. Price $18.00 ($.036 per gram) So if you skip the cyclop-eeze Dainichi is actually cheaper per gram....

From the Dainich website "All food is packed in 100% UV light-resistant, re-sealable bags for maximum freshness. " Guess that is part of the reason for their pretty packaging....

So since none of us have access to either of their books I think any speculation on what either company spends their money on is of no value in this conversation.....
I find both foods to be totally over-priced and over-hyped. At one point I was strictly NLS (never have been able to afford a large scale experiment with Dainichi, and won't bother after the latest discovery). I have tried a multitude of foods and buy my food in bulk (5 lbs or more at a time, last time I just went ahead and got a 50lb bag).

Recently I had an opportunity to purchase a large quantity of Ziggler's fish food that is used by a lot of Florida fish farmers. I expected to see a decrease in color or growth or spawning since this food was FAR cheaper than NLS. I was wrong. Everything is colored up wonderfully and I have had several species spawn on a diet of only this $1.00 or so per pound food. I cannot remember for sure but I think NLS was like $6 plus per pound. When you feed heavy like I tend to it just makes sensee to switch if the food still works.

On another note I recently attended a talk by Dr. Stephen Tanner of www.swisstropicals.com and the man taught me TONS about pleco feeding and it can be easily applied to other species. if you ever get a chance to see Dr. Tanner speak do not miss it. One food he pointed out as especially good was one that I used exclusively in the past, Tetra Color bits. It was too expensive to feed in the quantity I use but it never failed to do an AWESOME job. I know people who have raised tropheus and discus as well as several other species exclusively on this food. I personally spawned and raised discus with it and a few other cichlids as well.

NLS and Dainichi are both great but you just do not have to spend that much to get good food for your fish.
Oh I also want to add a point that Dr. Tanner made. Do not buy food in clear containers, light breaks down many vitamins. Small NLS containers are clear last time I looked so go for the bucket if you buy it.
tezr;2786240; said:
A little exaggerated on that example....

From Big Als : New Life Spectrum Cichlid Formula-300gr Our Price: $13.99 ($.046 per gram) (Dainichi would cost $15.30 for this size)

From yourfishstuff.com : Dainichi Color FX 1.1 lb (500 gr) Price $25.99 ($.051 per gram) (NLS would cost $23.00 for this size)

Dainichi Color Supreme Sinking 1.1 LB. Price $18.00 ($.036 per gram) So if you skip the cyclop-eeze Dainichi is actually cheaper per gram....

From the Dainich website "All food is packed in 100% UV light-resistant, re-sealable bags for maximum freshness. " Guess that is part of the reason for their pretty packaging....

So since none of us have access to either of their books I think any speculation on what either company spends their money on is of no value in this conversation.....

I guess thats not to much more but when you buy in bulk like I do it adds up. I was going by the prices on their website, it was like $20 for 8oz.
Fish farms are a business. As long as their fish look healthy and show okay color they are good. They feed so much food that they could not even consider feeding NLS or dainichi. The cost would be outrageous. Another fish food company I was talking to, two or three ago, said they they would not even try to get these farms to buy their product. He knew that they would never consider the cost of foods in the range of NLS or Dainichi. Does this mean that food is on the same level. Consider Mcdonalds, and an upscale restuarte. Food at McDonalds is not near the cost. Both say Grade A, but we all know that qulaity is different.
Back to the subject at heart here. Which of the food is best and why based on the experiences of those who have tried both kinds.
mike dunagan;2787111; said:
Fish farms are a business. As long as their fish look healthy and show okay color they are good. They feed so much food that they could not even consider feeding NLS or dainichi. The cost would be outrageous. Another fish food company I was talking to, two or three ago, said they they would not even try to get these farms to buy their product. He knew that they would never consider the cost of foods in the range of NLS or Dainichi. Does this mean that food is on the same level. Consider Mcdonalds, and an upscale restuarte. Food at McDonalds is not near the cost. Both say Grade A, but we all know that qulaity is different.

What an unfair analogy. They sell a ton of food,so they must be low quality like McDonald's? You really need to check into this food. I get easily as good or better results than I did with NLS. Ask some people like Rusty Wessel what they think about NLS some time. In the mean time at least look at what Ziegler Bros do before branding them as low grade.


I forget which one I use, but my 125 was recently repopulated with fish from my basement after the ice storm wiped out the tank. I added a group of H. carpintis (F0 Media Luna) and 5 "bifas" (cannot verify them since they were bought out of a tank at ACA). The carpintis and two pairs of bifas are all spawning simultaneously in a 125. The tank is pretty crowded too. These fish only eat Zeigler feeds and all are obviously pretty well fed thanks to this "junk food". I did not have this level of success with NLS. NLS is chock full of color enhancers that you do not need if the fish are getting a good nutritious diet.
White fish meal is the crushed bones of the fish not whole white fish. I had a good friend do a talk at the local fish club & he has worked in nutrition for a fisheries & have delt with the hand full of the makers of all the feeds on the market so he knows his stuff. I think He makes most of his own foods to feed his fish.
Trout chow is used on a lot of farms. I have been to some of the biggest ones to see for my self. This is for a lot of fish but may feed specialized feeding fish other foods like frozen brine etc.. To promote growth or breeding.