Extremly rare 25" Aimara wolf fish "Alto Tocantins"

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 27, 2007
south east asia
ashdavid;3682263; said:
Thanks Jerry and others who can see the whole story, it is appreciated.

Gets a bit tiresome after being accused of photoshoping every pic that I post, or that is is not what it is said to be or that your an idiot for paying that much for a fish and the list goes on and on.

Which is why I don't and won't post pics any more.

BTW the aimara in this thread is now close to 30" and snowy the white lung is almost 36" plus all the other fish I have posted from time to time have grown conciderable. I also got a few more rare fish I picked up lately but I would rather enjoy keeping them to myself. Sorry to those people that have always enjoyed looking at my pics, but it is not worth my time to keep on having to defend myself when I am only in this hobby b/c I enjoy it.
just post those awesome pics and ignore the losers!;)


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Apr 4, 2007
I have always appreciated your collection, and understand completely why you have chosen
the course you have. It gets old when you have people constantly telling you something
negative whether it be for any of the reasons you stated or something as simple as
your doing it wrong or thats not how I would do it.

The hobby tends to be more enjoyable when it is contained with close
friends and/or family and not out in the public where you have to deal
with jealousy.


MFK Member
Nov 26, 2007
---XR---;3682403; said:
damn, how do the asses your kissing taste? :nilly:
If you are too stupid to understand sarcasm its just sad, I wouldn't kiss gods' ass if he appeared in the thread. :screwy: But for the sake of the argument I'd say it tastes about the same as the one you try to kiss just my would taste like platinum barramundi and yours like platinum lung fish..

And.. I wasn't aware of the previous history with "accusations" of photo shopping and or other fakes and for that I apologize, the guy has got the money to spend, fine. spend it. I would never call anything fake, and I'm aware I will never have a collection anywhere near as rare as Davids'. I respect the collection, I respect fantastic photography but he jumped several people just for asking questions. MFK is a relatively friendly community with knowledgable people, the rotten eggs get sorted out pretty fast. shouldn't that be reason enough to respond in an educational and informative way rather than just declare people idiots?

Too many big egos on here including mine since I keep responding in this thread.

Ash, fantastic fish, fantastic photography esp the picture of those barcas, and sorry for my participation in decreasing the enjoyability of your thread, but lighten up man, your pics are all over the net, your barcas are hot topic in our Swedish forum, no one HERE is calling what you do a fake. You are a legend but it's kind of hard to appreciate it..


MFK Member
Mar 26, 2007
United Species of Arowana
ettfettbranamn;3684141; said:
If you are too stupid to understand sarcasm its just sad, I wouldn't kiss gods' ass if he appeared in the thread. :screwy: But for the sake of the argument I'd say it tastes about the same as the one you try to kiss just my would taste like platinum barramundi and yours like platinum lung fish..

And.. I wasn't aware of the previous history with "accusations" of photo shopping and or other fakes and for that I apologize, the guy has got the money to spend, fine. spend it. I would never call anything fake, and I'm aware I will never have a collection anywhere near as rare as Davids'. I respect the collection, I respect fantastic photography but he jumped several people just for asking questions. MFK is a relatively friendly community with knowledgable people, the rotten eggs get sorted out pretty fast. shouldn't that be reason enough to respond in an educational and informative way rather than just declare people idiots?

Too many big egos on here including mine since I keep responding in this thread.

Ash, fantastic fish, fantastic photography esp the picture of those barcas, and sorry for my participation in decreasing the enjoyability of your thread, but lighten up man, your pics are all over the net, your barcas are hot topic in our Swedish forum, no one HERE is calling what you do a fake. You are a legend but it's kind of hard to appreciate it..
:D Chill bro! He doesn't realize the knife cut both way! :ROFL:


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Aug 19, 2008
Cleveland Ohio
channarox;3683303; said:
just post those awesome pics and ignore the losers!;)

Hell yea, I like this idea!!!!!

Heres what I say. We need a personal mod for AshDavids pic threads. That way as soon as some loser says something ignorent we can get rid of it before it offends anyone. =D Then we can have more amazing pictures of amazing fish!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 7, 2009
sad to see hes not posting pics anymore. this guy in my opinion has the nicest and rarest fish collection. everything he has is top notch and expensive from his fish to his camera. so of course all his picture are going to be top notch. some people dont know anything and make assumptions. and he most likely only keeps rare fish.


MFK Member
Apr 29, 2008
chanix;3742754; said:
This story with: it only one in aquarium trade make me laugh...
Unless you have proof of it not being, it is. Pics or it didn't happen.
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