Fish Room Redux - 3600+ Gallon Plywood Tank Build


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jun 1, 2007
New Orleans, LA
I have to look into the cost, but I'm most likely going to line the tank with heavy felt over the plywood for abrasion resistance. I don't think it's going to be needed, but it couldn't hurt.

Running a bead of liner safe sealant in the corners might not be a bad idea. Or maybe even in between the folds. Better yet, 1" cotton rope in the seam to support the liner from being pressing completely down on the fold.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jul 4, 2007
Tempe AZ
nolapete;2802616; said:
I have to look into the cost, but I'm most likely going to line the tank with heavy felt over the plywood for abrasion resistance. I don't think it's going to be needed, but it couldn't hurt.

Running a bead of liner safe sealant in the corners might not be a bad idea. Or maybe even in between the folds. Better yet, 1" cotton rope in the seam to support the liner from being pressing completely down on the fold.

I like the rope idea and I like the idea of not cutting the liner. To me, any cuts in the liner seems to be asking for trouble. If this works I'm building one:)


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jun 1, 2007
New Orleans, LA
I think the rope will make the fold in the corner rounded, so that will help on it making a good seal. No doubt that it's going to be a pain in the rear getting everything folded and situated in the right place, but much easier than dealing with pond armor from what I've read.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Oct 1, 2007
Im going to follow this build as best i can im interested.

Good luckwith the build!!


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jun 1, 2007
New Orleans, LA
Here's what one pond liner company told me in response to my questions about seaming and why Quickseam isn't for indoor use. Good thing I came up with the folding.

Although liner can be cut and sealed with seam tape, it is not recommended for corner cuts. Should there be a breach in the seam, water will leak through the liner.

Due to components used in seam tape it is not recommended for indoor use.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 15, 2008
its not trusted for use indoors but it is submerged with fish:screwy:

that rope idea is really good! i bet it would work. its just getting the rope in the write place while a growing lake builds up behind it :popcorn:
the concept behind the dog ear is is that water will get into the creased flap on the outside part of the liner and equalize water pressure which will then squeeze the air out of the inner fold, that doesn't look like its there but is, leaving you with a flap that is going to want to stick into the water column. to solve this, make your folds like so then seal the corners, this will keep the liner flat. just make sure to get the liner perfectly fitted cause if you don't and you seal the corners, the seal will be broken when you fill the thing.
i really think that trying to position the rope and folds and everything is going to be a reall pain in the arss. going with the red cross will be easier i think, but atleast with the folds if you can't do it you can always go to the red cross, but you can't revert from the red cross back to the folds:grinno:
i just learned about a new application for a cool thing on necro's 18000 gal build. its called a flow accerator and increases you pumps flow rate by a ton. it would def come in handy on this beast!
good luck! excited for this thing to start taking shape! will you start a new thread when the build prgresses?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 15, 2008
p.s. i love your avatar, festaes are my scond favorite new world cichlid just behind umbies(can't ever find them though!!!), so i guess they're my favorite fish i've ever personally owned. are those your fish?


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jun 1, 2007
New Orleans, LA
I'll have to check out that flow thing. Do you have a link for it?

I understand what you're saying about the dog ear and the flap. I'm pretty sure that what I have in mind will prevent that from happening.

The avatar festae were mine. The were killed by hurricane Katrina. The female was wild Ecuador from Rapps and the domestic male was borrowed from a friend. That female looks better than the one I have now, but my current male is 16". The one in the avatar was about 13-14"


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 15, 2008
wow! your festaes were amazing. sorry to hear about katrina. hope you didn't lose much else.
i had a female about 8" that looked nearly if not as good as yours. she was also wild caught. i was trying to breed her with my green terror, only because they wanted to, i just had them together because the colors really complimented eachother. but i left them under the care of the neigboor for a week while i visited my grandparents, bad move :( could you imagine the offspring, that would be sweet!
i have a friend that goes to tulane, new orleans is a ridiculous place. i have like 10 stories from the 4 days i was there.
any idea when the actual build is going to start?