Fish Room Redux - 3600+ Gallon Plywood Tank Build


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jun 1, 2007
New Orleans, LA
I checked out the DIY thread on it earlier. Easy to make. I'm thinking about putting one inside of each of the canister filters to keep things moving around in each.

I started working on the subsystem layouts for the canisters, prefilters, and heating.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jun 1, 2007
New Orleans, LA
Well, this absolutely blows monkey ****! The glass my friend has is tempered and for that very reason I'm not going to use it. He has it in his tanks with no problems. I'm the bad luck master and it would be just my luck that it would implode and send 3500 gallons of water into my dining room, kitchen, and the rest of the downstairs of my house. He told me that he can get 4'x8'x2" acrylic cheap, but until I can confirm the price is around what he told me I'm not moving forward. It would be pointless to get the tank built and the viewing window not be obtainable.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jul 4, 2007
Tempe AZ
nolapete;2811160; said:
Well, this absolutely blows monkey ****! The glass my friend has is tempered and for that very reason I'm not going to use it. He has it in his tanks with no problems. I'm the bad luck master and it would be just my luck that it would implode and send 3500 gallons of water into my dining room, kitchen, and the rest of the downstairs of my house. He told me that he can get 4'x8'x2" acrylic cheap, but until I can confirm the price is around what he told me I'm not moving forward. It would be pointless to get the tank built and the viewing window not be obtainable.
Crap! I agree with your decision. I would do the same thing. Unfortunately the acrylic is going to cost huge $$$'s


MFK Member
Oct 12, 2008
Nottingham, UK
nolapete;2811160; said:
but until I can confirm the price is around what he told me I'm not moving forward.
Definitely agree with you there, man. Looking like an interesting design for starters.. but yeah, sit back, have a brewski, and be patient for your dream to unfold before your very eyes. It would REALLY suck if you got to building the thing and had to settle for inferior products or design, due to lack of money or time.. so if possible, I would kick back and wait until you get everything EXACTLY the way you want it. After all, this is your dream... you make it as good as you want to...
Good luck :)


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jun 1, 2007
New Orleans, LA
On the agenda for the weekend:

Finish painting 210 stand
Move haitiensis females and festae juvies to individual 3 separate 10 gallon tanks.
Empty 75 haitiensis were in, clean, move to garage, setup
Empty 90 juvie festae were in, clean, set aside
Move Z-Beam rack those tanks and 40L were on into garage
Clean kiddie pool pond and test fill
Setup kiddie pool pond in garage
Move the port 300 (probably more) babies to the kiddie pool pond
Empty and clean 75 port babies were in
Paint back black and move to 2nd Z-Beam rack in garage
Setup 90 on stand that 75 was on somewhere (dunno where yet)
Paint 90 back black
Move fish from 210 to empty 75 and 90
Remove all gravel and decor from 210
Move 210 stand inside house
Paint rim and one end of 210 black
Move all miscellaneous stuff from fish room to garage
Move 210 in house

On top of all that, go to grocery and cook for people coming to help move stuff out the fish room, primarily 210, tomorrow.

Sunday, go pick up 75 from my sister's house an hour away.

After all this is done, the only things remaining in the fish room will be the 135 and the 50 breeder marine tank. The 135 may be used as a sump for a filter subsystem. I'm leaning toward not, but who knows at this point. I need to build a new stand for the 50 marine and move it somewhere; probably the garage temporarily.


MFK Member
Oct 12, 2008
Nottingham, UK
nolapete.. you do realise that we want pictures of EVERYTHING you do this weekend, right? ;)


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jun 1, 2007
New Orleans, LA
Today, in spite of all the other stuff over the past 24 hours non-fish related that went wrong, went swimmingly. My roommate along with three guys from our regional aquarium society, SELAS, helped move the 210 into the living room. Everything went off without a hitch except for me busting a hole in my living room wall with my buns of steel. :D Once I get everything cleaned up, I'll take some photos. Phase 1B nearing completion.