Lots of pics past and present

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Toiletcar Toiletcar The tank isn't that crowded, aside from the panamensis there is one H. tamasopoensis who is the "tank boss". But the pair has now challenged him and they have been fighting a bit.

yes, now we should probably stop derailing hah

Watching things now, I think my rostratus is the culprit. Since my large robertsoni passed, she moved up as the dominate fish. And she’s more aggressive than the robertsoni too. But just chases and focuses on the deppi more than anything else. I guess the point is a dominant fish can prevent others from breeding. Perhaps when our fish get bigger that could change.
But I have heard panamensis can be quite aggressive,
Another point is one reason my rostratus is aggressive is because I’m not keeping a group of them.
Watching things now, I think my rostratus is the culprit. Since my large robertsoni passed, she moved up as the dominate fish. And she’s more aggressive than the robertsoni too. But just chases and focuses on the deppi more than anything else. I guess the point is a dominant fish can prevent others from breeding. Perhaps when our fish get bigger that could change.
But I have heard panamensis can be quite aggressive,
Another point is one reason my rostratus is aggressive is because I’m not keeping a group of them.

That is a good point, tamasopoensis are supposed to do better in groups as well. I had two and this one was beating the crap out of the other, so sold one (I know I know, two never works).
The panamensis aggression I would compare to Sajicas. Not quite as bad as convicts.
I actually am thinking my tamasopo is a female as well, based on black dot in the dorsal.

Here is a pic of the current standoff. Lots of flaring, no serious damage yet.
Going to separate the pair tonight.
That is a good point, tamasopoensis are supposed to do better in groups as well. I had two and this one was beating the crap out of the other, so sold one (I know I know, two never works).
The panamensis aggression I would compare to Sajicas. Not quite as bad as convicts.
I actually am thinking my tamasopo is a female as well, based on black dot in the dorsal.

Here is a pic of the current standoff. Lots of flaring, no serious damage yet.
Going to separate the pair tonight.

Yes I’ve read that and watched videos of them in the wild.
Looks like the panamensis are in breeding dress . Maybe eventually they will spawn.
Gourami,those panamense look lovely.
Looks like eggs are not far away.
Thanks Stan, and I hope so, I separated them last night and they seem to like their new tank. No aggression between them and they are doing shaky dances, seem to have picked a corner they like.
Thanks Stan, and I hope so, I separated them last night and they seem to like their new tank. No aggression between them and they are doing shaky dances, seem to have picked a corner they like.

Definitely won't be long then.

My tank is full of baby ancistrus. I thought cichlids were prolific but these guys have been full on at it since I put them in the tank. I keep spotting baby catfish amongst the leaf litter.
It's made a nice change from just breeding cichlids.
Definitely won't be long then.

My tank is full of baby ancistrus. I thought cichlids were prolific but these guys have been full on at it since I put them in the tank. I keep spotting baby catfish amongst the leaf litter.
It's made a nice change from just breeding cichlids.

I unknowingly had a pair of bristle noses in my 220gal. I awoke one day to find many tiny little plecs darting around the tank. Needless to say none of them lasted long with the cichlids on the hunt...
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I unknowingly had a pair of bristle noses in my 220gal. I awoke one day to find many tiny little plecs darting around the tank. Needless to say none of them lasted long with the cichlids on the hunt...
I'm not sure how long mine will last. I only have dwarf cichlids and baby festivums and they are nearly always at the surface.
I have a feeling a few may make it .
They seem to be able to hide quite well in the leaves and the seed pods.
The biggest threat to the young ancistrus are rival male ancistrus. They try their hardest to destroy each others spawn.
Very cool about the accidental ancistrus breeding. I wouldn't mind having a few dozen extra blue eyes. maybe I'll try to sex the one I have and get it a mate once bigger
I'm not sure how long mine will last. I only have dwarf cichlids and baby festivums and they are nearly always at the surface.
I have a feeling a few may make it .
They seem to be able to hide quite well in the leaves and the seed pods.
The biggest threat to the young ancistrus are rival male ancistrus. They try their hardest to destroy each others spawn.

With the complexity of your scape and the amount of lead litter you have I'm sure you'll have plenty of survivors. I can actually potentially see you becoming overrun with them if they continue breeding...