Lots of pics past and present

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
With the complexity of your scape and the amount of lead litter you have I'm sure you'll have plenty of survivors. I can actually potentially see you becoming overrun with them if they continue breeding...

Yes,that had crossed my mind. Trying to catch them would be a nightmare in my tank ,if they do all make it.
I do like to see fry survive in communities with out any help from the keeper though.
It's one of the hobbies nice aspects imo.
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Stanzzzz7 have you ever considered starting a thread on aquascapes and how to create a natural looking display?
Like a tutorial of sorts.
I'm hopeless at making a tank display look natural and still look nice.:mad:
I think a few of us would appreciate some tips and tricks on how you have created some of the different displays featured in this thread.
I would like to know what types of wood and leaves you use.What substrates,plants,fertilizers,lighting etc.
Sorry if this is a lot to ask. I know these things take time. I would be very interested in a thread like that from you and I'm sure a few other members would be .
Sorry for being cheeky.:rolleyes:

I'm sure it would be a great thread!:)
Stanzzzz7 have you ever considered starting a thread on aquascapes and how to create a natural looking display?
Like a tutorial of sorts.
I'm hopeless at making a tank display look natural and still look nice.:mad:
I think a few of us would appreciate some tips and tricks on how you have created some of the different displays featured in this thread.
I would like to know what types of wood and leaves you use.What substrates,plants,fertilizers,lighting etc.
Sorry if this is a lot to ask. I know these things take time. I would be very interested in a thread like that from you and I'm sure a few other members would be .
Sorry for being cheeky.:rolleyes:

I'm sure it would be a great thread!:)
I'm just a hobbyist,not sure i qualify to be giving out tutorial posts on here.
It's very nice of you to ask me though.
I've been asked this a few times but have never felt completely confident about doing it. I guess I don't want to put out a thread that just states things people already know,or is a little dull.
There is a side of me that would like to though. I would enjoy putting it together and people like yourself that enjoy my tanks definitely inspire me to do so.
I will give it some thought and see if I can come up with something that could be of interest to people.
There are a lot of experienced hobbyists on here, some have beautiful tanks. I would hate to come across patronising in a thread like you suggest. There is a big difference in sharing updates of my tanks than creating a thread saying" this is how you do it".
Any way ,those are my concerns ,but like I said ,your not the first person to ask this of me, so I may give it a go .
Thanks again for the nice remarks .
I'm just a hobbyist,not sure i qualify to be giving out tutorial posts on here.
It's very nice of you to ask me though.
I've been asked this a few times but have never felt completely confident about doing it. I guess I don't want to put out a thread that just states things people already know,or is a little dull.
There is a side of me that would like to though. I would enjoy putting it together and people like yourself that enjoy my tanks definitely inspire me to do so.
I will give it some thought and see if I can come up with something that could be of interest to people.
There are a lot of experienced hobbyists on here, some have beautiful tanks. I would hate to come across patronising in a thread like you suggest. There is a big difference in sharing updates of my tanks than creating a thread saying" this is how you do it".
Any way ,those are my concerns ,but like I said ,your not the first person to ask this of me, so I may give it a go .
Thanks again for the nice remarks .
Don't be bashful man,just do it.:)
I bet there are plenty of people out there that could use some of your creative tips.
Only joking,but seriously I think it would be a popular and useful thread.
I'm just a hobbyist,not sure i qualify to be giving out tutorial posts on here.
It's very nice of you to ask me though.
I've been asked this a few times but have never felt completely confident about doing it. I guess I don't want to put out a thread that just states things people already know,or is a little dull.
There is a side of me that would like to though. I would enjoy putting it together and people like yourself that enjoy my tanks definitely inspire me to do so.
I will give it some thought and see if I can come up with something that could be of interest to people.
There are a lot of experienced hobbyists on here, some have beautiful tanks. I would hate to come across patronising in a thread like you suggest. There is a big difference in sharing updates of my tanks than creating a thread saying" this is how you do it".
Any way ,those are my concerns ,but like I said ,your not the first person to ask this of me, so I may give it a go .
Thanks again for the nice remarks .

You have a knack for making natural looking displays that both look nice and provide cover for the fish. That is tough to do.
I've just finished this thread as you recommended ;) and it is just a stunning catalouge of your achievements over the years. Just incredible fish and tanks, I really like your approach to the current SA tank actually starting with the tetras and adding around them. Its a really interesting take on buidling a tank and a tank hierachy.

Just wondering as you keep both CA and SA fish, how do you accommodate both tanks water requirements? Do you use RO on one or both of them and alter the ph and hardness etc?

Amazing tanks, I'd second the requests above about more details on how you create these natural looking scapes across multiple biotope areas.

thanks Andy
I've just finished this thread as you recommended ;) and it is just a stunning catalouge of your achievements over the years. Just incredible fish and tanks, I really like your approach to the current SA tank actually starting with the tetras and adding around them. Its a really interesting take on buidling a tank and a tank hierachy.

Just wondering as you keep both CA and SA fish, how do you accommodate both tanks water requirements? Do you use RO on one or both of them and alter the ph and hardness etc?

Amazing tanks, I'd second the requests above about more details on how you create these natural looking scapes across multiple biotope areas.

thanks Andy

Thanks for the compliments Andy,I appreciate it.

Regarding water chemistry ,from the tap my water has a ph around 7.5 and is a little on the hard side.
This makes my water just fine for central American fish. I do however normally add crushed coral sand to the substrate when setting up for c/a fish.
When I keep south American fish i have to be a little careful what species I choose .
I do use lots of bog wood leaf litter and peat moss in the canisters to try and create the water I want. This does help but only very slightly. I do believe the tannins also help prevent softer water species from getting bacterial infections.
I have made mistakes. There are some species that just do not do well unless they are in soft acidic water.
I love acarichthys heckelii ,the threadfins .
These are a fish that in my experience do not do well in harder water. They were fine as juveniles up to around 4 inches in size. After that I was constantly fighting bacterial infections despite having clean stable water. I have always put this down to the hardness of my water.
Fortunately there are many south American species that are not fussy and can thrive in a wider parameter of water conditions. These are the south Americans I try to choose.

Regarding the aquascape thread, I will see what I can come up with.
Thank-you, mrrobxc. That's a complement coming from you.
Here are some pics of that tank from start to now.I think these are my favourite fish I have kept to date.I do have a soft spot for thorichthys though.

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This is how the fish and tank look now.

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I must have missed this section of your thread.
This is insane dude!
How the hell do you do it? Simply gorgeous.:):):):)